So I was hanging for a bit with a muslim friend of mine this morning, but I use the term friend a bit loosely. The Iranian agreement came up, by him! And his first POV was that the agreement was no agreement, and he agreed with withdrawing from the agreement. That's about where the agreement between the 2 of us ended. And oddly enough, by the time the conversation ended, he suddenly fully supported Iran AND the now withdrawn from agreement. WTF?

He instantly went from Iran to Israel, and that's "ALL" this was all about, nothing more. I said my POV, that it was much larger than that, but that yes, Israel is a part of the entire thing. I further explained though, that they are a state sponsor of terrorism, chant for our death all the time, lied & have a long history of said support of terrorism throughout the middle east, destabilizing things, IMO.

Well that's about where he lost it. Instantly the discussion moved to Palestine and the US being terrorists. I told him he was deflecting and let's get back to the Iranian agreement, what was wrong with it, what could/should be changed, and how do we go about renegotiating from here. Nope. Back to Palestinians, and how it's just like the Russians invading America, and what would I do if they did that? Whoa whoa, Where are you going with this, and why? Back to the agreement.

But since I didn't want to discuss that, it meant I was supporting terrorism from Israel and the US and therefore making improper demands of Palestine and Iran. I was like, wait a minute, you said you agreed the agreement was no agreement and that we should have withdrawn? He said he didn't mean it like that. WTF?

I tried explaining to him deflection, because he said he didn't know what that word meant. I explained with a few scenarios. Boy, my mistake. He reverted to "BUSH" and that it's where all of this emanated from!! WTF?

Yup, a Muslim who moved here as a child, now "American", hating America and supporting all things Islam. What Hamas does is NOT terrorism. What Iran does with Hezbollah is NOT terrorism. In fact, neither organization is wrong, they are all legit and all legit fighting. Whoa, that's about where I kinda went silent with anger growing, so thought it best to cut things off.

That was a very interesting conversation, and felt eerily similar to discussing things with a few folks from here over the years.