OAN Newsroom
UPDATED 12:42 PM PT — Thurs. May 24. 2018

International investigators confirmed that the Kremlin is responsible for shooting down flight MH17 over Eastern Ukraine in the summer of 2014.
The Dutch probe revealed the missile that downed the Malaysian airliner with 298 passenger onboard belonged to a unit deployed in Western Russia.
Investigators said the rocket was fired from the pro-Russian rebel territory in Eastern Ukraine.

The downing of the Malaysia Airlines Boeing 777 took place in the wake of the ongoing Russian-Ukrainian war.
The Kremlin has tried to blame Ukraine for the incident, and fiercely denied its own involvement.
Previously intercepted rebel communications suggest the pro-Russian rebels thought they shot down a Ukrainian military jet, which turned out to be that passenger Boeing.
http://www.oann.com/international-pr...aine/Isn't this nice, Shall we all hold our collective breath until somebody does anything about it? I know! We can threaten Russia with sanctions

Seriously. Putin doesn't care because no one's going to do a thing about it. Your example would be Crimea.