Quote Originally Posted by Kathianne View Post
Don't we all?

Some folks will just bandwagon the hits, thinking they are with the majority. I'm not big on piling on. At least Rev doesn't have an anal fixation on everyone he doesn't care for; nor does he go off on drunken tirades like some seem to do a tad too often.

He sees things a bit differently, more 'conservatively' than many here. One doesn't have to agree with him, even like him, but he doesn't deserve being trashed.
Give me a fucking break. If bush were president, you'd be all over rev about this horseshit. But since he's a never trumper and trump is president, and you hate trump, it's Kath to the rescue. You go to any "diverse" board and say it's ok to call Obama's kids anything unsympathetic for any reason, you'll get the same response. Hell you'd get it here.