Good, and I hope this one leads to more as well.

Let's hope they treat classified information more than they did with Hillary.


BREAKING: IG Horowitz Confirms Comey Under Investigation For Mishandling of Classified Memos

Inspector General Horowitz confirmed Monday during a Congressional hearing Comey is under investigation for his handling of classified information.

Fired FBI Director James Comey penned 7 memos stemming from 9 conversations with President Trump.

At least 4 of 7 of the memos contained classified information.

Comey gave contents of his memos to his ‘friend’ Daniel Richman to leak to the New York Times in order to prompt a Special Counsel.

On Monday, Inspector General Horowitz was asked by Senate Judiciary Chairman Chuck Grassley ‘if the IG is investigating Comey’s handling of his memos about Trump.’

Horowitz replied in the affirmative.

“Yes, we’re investigating it and will produce a report on it.”

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