Story Highlights

Senate Judiciary Committee hears testimony on jailed agents' case
Agents jailed after shooting a fleeing, unarmed drug trafficker
Former agents Ignacio Ramos and Alonso Compean are media cause celebre

"Why is it wrong to shoot the [trafficker] after he's been told to stop?" asked Sen. Tom Coburn, R-Oklahoma.

That makes perfect sense. This is a perfect example of a witch hunt. This prosecutor was just trying to make a name for himself which he did. Even Democratic representatives are saying he over reacted. What id the problem here? why can't they just pardon these officers since the courts wont do what is right? I think the guards should have shoot to kill orders. The guy was given an order and he fled. He also was trafficking drugs in and had a large amount on him. They officers should have recieved an award not a prison sentance.