It's difficult for me to think of it, but then it's not as bad as it seems, or is it? That's a weird sentence! Then again, pretty much everything I write...

The collar can either shock a dog. Send a vibration to the collar. Or it can just make the device beep. The idea certainly isn't to torture an animal, and even with such a device, I would punch someone in the face if they abused it.

You shock a few times to TRULY get attention, and with appropriate training, this goes away REAL fast, and it's easy to then get the beeping to work all on it's own.

The first thing I ever vowed is that I would never put something on the dog that I wouldn't put on myself. So it came in the mail today....

Right from the box I just up and put the 2 leads on the collar on my arm and zapped away - but I didn't feel anything. Of course THEN I read the manual, and went through the tiny setup process. I didn't feel anything, so instead of the preset number of 24, I raised it to 99. This would be the worst it could ever get. I still didn't feel anything.

The beeped worked great. The vibration works great, and I can definitely see why it would work by itself, getting the dog to focus, and take the focus away from the bad behavior.

So I jiggled it a little on my arm and hit the shock button again - AND DAMN - I nearly threw the device into the ceiling, it shocked and scared the bejeezus out of me all at the same time! I then lowered it to 30 and tried again. The device nearly hit the roof again, and of course I was giggling like a little idiot. I then set it to 10, what it recommends starting at, and you feel the tiniest level of electricity you can possibly feel. The higher amount is more WTF scared than actual pain. So you want the sweet spot, which will WTF the dog, but without the dog getting a real shock, just a refocus. And then you train and ultimately end up with using the beep or vibrate alone hopefully!

I'm going to find and shock the wife now! ...