What a loser. First he works against a running president and committed who knows specifically what actions. He ultimately gets shitcanned for his actions. And then starts a gofundme page to collect money? And he's received a shitload of it thus far!! And you can rest assured that's money from the left, who many likely appreciate his actions.


Trevor Noah ridicules disgraced FBI agent Peter Stzrok for starting a Gofundme page

Comedy Central late-night host Trevor Noah attacked disgraced former FBI agent Peter Strzok for setting up a GoFundMe page to help him pay his legal bills on Thursday night.

“OK, first up, this is some bullshit we need to address about GoFundMe in general. How do people say, ‘This is the amount I need,’ and change the amount when they get it?” He asked.

“That’s not a thing,” he continued. “Like, imagine you met someone on the street and they’re like, ‘Hey man, can you help me out? I need $50 to go see my family.’ You’re like, ‘OK, here, here.’ He like, ‘Now that I’ve reached $50, I now need $100 to see my family.’ You’ll be like, ‘What the f**k are you doing, man?'”

Strzok, who was fired Friday over anti-Trump text messages he sent in 2016 and 2017, initially sought $150,000 to help pay for legal bills and lost income. That number rose to $350,000 and then again to $500,000 after the donations continued coming in.

Rest - http://dailycaller.com/2018/08/17/tr...-peter-strzok/