Quote Originally Posted by High_Plains_Drifter View Post
Exactly... I was wondering if you did squats. I guess you found one exercise I CAN'T do on the gym... the "clean and jerk." I did do some of that way back when, when I was working out at the base gyms. But I'm going to spend a few weeks just building strength, getting used to it again. I don't need to rip anything trying to lift more than I should.

I have the leg curl right in front on the gym, but like on my other old gym I'll use the curl and row bar hooked to the front bottom cable and put a bunch of weight on, because the legs just take it, and do toe ups too. The only part of the leg I couldn't work on with the old gym was the back, but this gym has that soft band that I can hook onto the curl cable in front and do back leg curls. I might even be able to just hook my leg behind the pad in front of the seat and do a reverse leg curl... I'll have to try it. Either way, I spend a whole session working just legs.
Yeah, I do squats A-hole to the ground ones. From years of having beat up knees and ankles and doing squats only to parallel, it's a bitch doing a squat clean because my mind may be saying "we're bottoming out on this clean" but my legs and back are saying "my ass you are" Once I put enough weight on it defaults automatically to a power clean.

So I throw in a few sets of front squats after my cleans; I'll do back squats usually after I bench; and, I will overhead squat when I do snatches because there's not much choice in the matter. I do so much squatting just doing the lifts, that it doesn't take much. Back squats and deadlifts I do about once a weak.

I also walk/run just under 3 miles every day.

And the hardest workout of all: chase a 16 months old little boy around the house all day