Back squat - what most people consider a squat. Bar on the back of your shoulders and squat down.
Front squat - hold the bar like you are going to military/front press it and squat down.
The balance between the two is completely different. The back squat uses the entire legs and back. The front squat pretty much isolates the quads. Everybody likes back squats more because you can lift a lot more weight. Especially when most people who don't know what they're doing usually won't go past parallel to the floor if even that.
I'm beyond the ego thing. It took everything I had at the time to do 10 squats with no weight and holding onto the arms into a chair just to get out of the hospital. I could at one time half-squat 405 with the best of them. Which amounts to being able to hold up 405 and squat down about 3-4 inches which means it amounts to not much at all. I wouldn't even consider touching that much weight now