Quote Originally Posted by Kathianne View Post
I’ve said before, I didn’t use corporal punishment with my kids. I did gen them and jerk them back from entering a street or other dangerous options. I don’t think parents that spank in the common way are abusive.

I would not applaud the use of corporal punishment by schools, they are not the parent. I do however favor suspension and expulsion when a student is a continuing disruption to others education. It shouldn’t be so difficult.
Corporal punishment, in schools, isn't so bad. It applies a disciplinary solution that has an immediate effect, and it concludes whatever issue has arisen quickly and efficiently.

In my school, caning was an option, and was often employed. I'm unaware of any child ever, at any time, being actually 'damaged' by its use. However .. discipline was maintained. My school was, and continues to this day to be (and acknowledged as such), one providing the best learning environment to be found anywhere within a radius of several miles. It didn't FAIL as a school. Very far from it.

[... Granted, use of the cane, today, is pretty much impossible, thanks to interfering Lefties of Pete's ilk, and yes, this DOES cause some difficulty. Still, my school can and does trade on its reputation ... and still, relatively speaking, performs well as an excellent teaching environment]