Of course they did, they were dreaming of ways, any way possible to continue to delay and obstruct until after the mid-terms. The republicans are assholes for allowing this to fester and continue, when everything is so damn obviously false. One story unfolds and falls apart, so start a new one and demand more time. Pathetic, both sides unless the right says ENOUGH and confirms.


Ronan Farrow: Senate Democrats 'Actively Came Looking' for New Kavanaugh Accusation

The shocking allegations made by Deborah Ramirez against Brett Kavanaugh fell apart in record time, but that hasn't stopped Democrats from seizing on these new allegations to... you guessed it, call for a delay. Recent revelations suggest this was the Democrats' plan all along — that this whole bogus story was concocted by Senate Democrats as Christine Blasey Ford's story fell apart last week.

Check out what Ronan Farrow said on Good Morning America earlier today:

STEPHANOPOULOS: Why did [Deborah Ramirez] come forward?

FARROW: She came forward because Senate Democrats came looking for this claim. She did not flag this. This came to the attention of people on the Hill independently, and it has cornered her into an awkward position. She said, point-blank, I don’t want to ruin anyone’s life, but she feels this is a serious claim. She considers her own memories credible and she felt it was important to tell her own story before others did for her.

Got that? Democrats sought her out. Democrats were obviously free to investigate, but according to Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley, Democrats withheld this info from Republicans on the Senate Judiciary Committee.

The spokesperson in a statement slammed Democrats for "withholding information" regarding the allegations.
"Yet again, Senate Democrats actively withheld information from the rest of the Committee only to drop information at politically opportune moments," the statement said, doubling down on his remarks that Democrats withheld the first allegation against Kavanaugh from Christine Blasey Ford, who went public last week.

The spokesperson said the Democrats appear to be "more interested in a political takedown" than "pursuing allegations through a bipartisan and professional" investigation.

"Of course, we will attempt to evaluate these new claims," the statement added.

Rest - https://pjmedia.com/trending/ronan-f...gh-accusation/