If this were a "man" that identified as a woman, and then wore breast implants - do we now address that person with a female name? Does this person "really" have 3 breasts? And if they demand as much, should they be recognized in some manner as a 3 breasted person? If one is going to acknowledge a penis add-on...


Models With Three Breasts Hit Milan Fashion Runways

Fashion designer Giuliano Calza turned heads on Monday when he sent several models featuring a prosthetic third breast down the runway.

Can't picture that? We got you, fam.

"Social media commenters speculated that the look was inspired by a scene from the 1990 Arnold Schwarzenegger film Total Recall when a similar-looking three-breasted prostitute flashed her chest at the actor’s character," People reported.

Rest - https://www.dailywire.com/news/36299...ys-joseph-curl