Is this guy serious? He's made a complete joke of himself as an attorney. No way in hell is he qualified to run for president! But like others, would make for some good debates.


Michael Avenatti Is Making Concrete Moves to Run for President in 2020 Against Trump

Michael Avenatti, the firebrand attorney who has risen to fame representing adult film star Stormy Daniels, is taking steps to prepare for a possible 2020 presidential run.

A new filing with the Federal Election Commission shows that Avenatti’s political action committee, “Fight PAC,” made a series of expenditures toward the end of September, to set up a more robust fundraising and social media push in the months ahead.

Fight PAC paid $4,500 to Break Something, a Washington, D.C.-based firm for Facebook advertising. It also paid $1,000 to NGP VAN, Inc, a voter database used by the Democratic Party that, according to a source, Avenatti plans to use as a database for PAC fundraising and contacts. Additionally, the group made payments to Adam Parkhomenko, a former adviser to Hillary Clinton, for a food and transportation reimbursement worth $1,491.37, and a reimbursement payment of $342.52 to the TRR Group LLC.

TRR Group is a firm run by both Parkhomenko and Virginia-based political strategist Ben Tribbett. In an email to The Daily Beast, Tribbett noted that the money it received was for a FedEx reimbursement. But, he added, TRR Group had also “built out his website for the PAC,” for which it would be paid in the next filing.

Tribbett said that the group did not have an “ongoing contract” with Fight PAC. But in a brief phone interview with The Daily Beast, Avenatti stressed that his expenditures and exploratory travel would only ramp up in the weeks and months ahead, with stops planned for Texas, California, Massachusetts, and New Hampshire, along with longer-term plans to visit Iowa, Ohio, and Nevada.

“This idea that this is a superficial thing is ludicrous,” Avenatti said. “It is so ridiculous. I don’t need to engage in a superficial exploration of a potential run. Why would I need to do that? I don’t need any more notoriety. Why would I be wanting to take my time and energy traveling the country to raise money for Democrats if this was superficial?”

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Michael Avenatti made his liberal fans look like fools

Think back on a time when you did not know the name Michael Avenatti — an almost mythological age all but lost to the mists of memory. You know when that was? March. March 2018. A mere seven months ago — though in the age of Trump, seven months now seems like seven millennia.

Liberals are forever accusing conservatives of wanting to go back in time, but right now, I’d bet, many of them wish they could get into Doc Brown’s DeLorean, set it for March 2018, and drop a dirty dime on Avenatti that would have put him away before he could do the damage he’s done to their cause.

After months of promising to deliver a coup de grace to the president that never materialized, Avenatti then inserted himself into the Brett Kavanaugh hearings … in a spectacularly ill-considered way that ultimately redounded to Kavanaugh’s benefit.

Then, on Monday, Avenatti’s peculiar legal strategy vis-à-vis Donald Trump was curb-stomped by a judge who not only ruled against his porn-star client Stormy Daniels’ deeply stupid defamation suit (one no rational person would ever have filed) but ordered her to pay Trump’s legal fees!

How is she going to come up with that kind of money? I really and truly don’t want to know the answer.

Before March, Avenatti was just some slick West Coast litigator in a suit whose bespoke sheen both reeked of money and tawdriness. Then he emerged, like Venus from the half shell, dazzling liberals and Democrats with the beauty of his untrammeled aggression.

He promised to go for Trump’s jugular, and he would go through secondary jugulars to get to the target — Trump lawyer Michael Cohen’s, most prominently.

What was it Avenatti was fighting for? To a remarkable degree, liberals came to believe he was fighting for America, and doing so by using whatever tools he had at hand — in particular, Daniels’ odd claim that she had somehow been duped when she signed a non-disclosure agreement on the eve of the 2016 election that paid her $130,000 to keep quiet about the night she spent with Trump several years earlier.

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