Quote Originally Posted by pete311 View Post
The stock market on the day Trump signed the tax bill: 24,754. The stock market today, nearly a year later: 24,480.That's a decrease of 1.1% since the tax bill was signed. And in the meantime, the US debt is exploding at an even more unsustainable rate. But ya'll stopped caring about the national debt a long time ago.
Pete , do you wail at the tides going up(rising high tide)and then back down?
Up and down is the name of the game, yet you act as if any correction, any fall is a horrendous catastrophe !
Does Trump crank the up and down gear ?
Good grief Charlie Brown, you are either very naive, or else pretending to be so, in order to, rail like a whimpering child against the monster behemoth named President Donald Trump!--Tyr