Quote Originally Posted by SassyLady View Post
More good news!

Two people have asked me if I'll have time to do a piece for them before Christmas. Not sure I want to do custom orders yet. Would rather do what flows out and if someone likes and wants it I'll consider selling.

Now comes the pressure .... was afraid of this. Once I raised my hand to the universe for direction and assistance the abundance would flow down whether I was ready or not.

It's been a good six months. Losing weight, getting off meds, eating healthy, releasing my creative juices .... and maybe starting another business.

I'm a sassy, happy lady right now.
I have to agree with you about custom orders. It's not like painting someone's portrait. What you do just... happens. That's why I suggested take a picture of all your pieces, make a photo catalog. I remember some pics on here you posted of earlier pieces you've done that resembled the cosmos. I liked those. I'd like to see them all...

I'm losing weight and in the middle of a total diet make over myself. Out with the bad, in with the good. A total war on sugar, processed foods, fat, chemicals, etc, and counting the calories now. I've lost 7 pounds so far.