Quote Originally Posted by Gunny View Post
Here's your history lesson for the day: It would not surprise me a bit if Farah was a Turk first and Muslim second. Most Turks are and it has been that way since Attaturk took control of what was left of Turkey following WWI and turned it into an uber-nationalist nation. Everything was Turkey first, period. No other option available. Turkey has remained that way relatively unchanged until Erdogan.

Erdogan is flirting with Islam because he sees it as a means to more power so he has been more open to the ragheads than his predecessors. He's flirting with disaster but no one can tell him that. He seems to think he can make a deal with radical Islam and Russia and come out the winner.

The "Turk first" mentality is not going to change overnight even with Erdogan's crap. A century of brainwashing isn't going to just disappear. If you think you are going to convince any of the Muslim haters on this board that there is a difference between radical Islamists and uber-national Turks, good luck.

I've made the same argument about Iran to those who think overthrowing the Ayatollah is going to suddenly make Iran normal and welcome Americans with open arms. They STILL hate Americans, Ayatollah or no. Turks are the same. Islam or no, they STILL hate Americans. There's no removing Erdogan or the Ayatollah that's going to change that. Both are our enemies and to consider them anything else is delusional and can cost a lot of lives.
Possibly you're correct. Even so ... the nearest she's ever got to saying she's not a Muslim is to claim to be a 'fire worshipper'.

... which is ridiculous, in this day and age .. she might as well believe the Earth is flat.

Farah, to my knowledge, has never categorically denied she's a Muslim. However, she thinks and acts as a Muslim would. Her hatreds are totally compatible with the worst extremism Islam has to 'offer'.