Quote Originally Posted by Drummond View Post
Obviously yours is always a colder climate in winter than my part of the world is.

As comparatively small as the British Isles is compared to continental America, we have 'extremes' of weather from one end of it to the other. Scotland is pretty much guaranteed snow in winter ... in other parts, it's less likely. Wales (where I am) tends to have a 50-50 chance of heavy snowfall sometime in winter. London (where I was originally from) more usually escapes it altogether .. though hasn't done, this time.

Any appreciable snowfall ... everything seizes up. Local councils grit the roads, though they always argue that further snowfall after the initial gritting makes their efforts useless. So, in conditions such as we've had over the past 24 hours or so, people here just accept that conditions will get bad, and 'wait them out'.

This, I know, is the opposite to Canada's attitude. However heavy the snowfall, they cope ! Trains keep running in far worse conditions than ours. It's become apparent for decades that our coping abilities are pathetic compared to theirs.


There's a great deal to study from that link (note the reference to 'doomsday snow') ..

As for 'tent cities and bums' more generally .. of course, conditions like yours would see ours killed off in great numbers. We do have them in the streets, and there's an area in London, just below Waterloo Bridge (on the south side of the Thames) known as 'tent city', where we have a well-established gathering of homeless living outside. Conditions like these prompt advice for them to seek homeless charity help.
My younger sister had our DNA tested, and my ancestors are mainly from Scandinavia and England, with a good smattering of all around Europe. Nothing surprising since any Anglo person with a fair complexion and blue eyes such as myself, that is where we're from.

Did you know that blue eyes are the most rare color eyes?