This really is sickening if you think about it. The democrats have never cared about the lives of the children snuffed out too early. But yup, they and others will whine over blackface, and demand heads over things people did in HS or college. But the lives of children? Who gives a &^%&


Outrage over blackface, silence over killing babies

Turns out, killing babies is not so popular.

What is truly amazing is how many Virginia Democrat politicians had to touch that hot stove before they got the message that even mainstream Democrat voters do not approve — no, they are appalled, aghast and unbelieving — at the mere notion of an elective abortion during delivery.

It’s between, you know, the mother and her “doctor,” Death Squad politicians tell us.

For years, we have been chided for talking openly about fearing the Obamacare “Death Panels” that would reign after the government takes over every last corner of our health care system.

Turns out that not only are the Death Panels real, they’re not just for old people and expensive sick people. Democrat politicians want them for newborns, too.

“The infant would be kept comfortable,” the Grand Wizard of Death Squads, Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam, tells us in chillingly antiseptic tones.

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