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    Default 'Heaven has a wall, a gate and a strict immigration policy': Grocery store riles up

    'Heaven has a wall, a gate and a strict immigration policy': Grocery store riles up shoppers with ad
    Yahoo Lifestyle Alexis Shaw,Yahoo Lifestyle 15 hours ago

    Arkansas grocery store Mac’s Fresh Market put off some of its customers this week with its weekly ad circular. (Credit: Mac’s Cash Saver via Facebook)
    A family-owned Christian grocery store is facing questions from some customers who felt it crossed a line with a political message on immigration in a recent ad.

    Mac’s Fresh Market’s store circular typically includes a religious or political message at the top, but this particular assessment on the U.S.-Mexico border wall appears to have set off shoppers.

    The store posted the controversial ad on its Facebook page as well. It reads: “Heaven has a wall, a gate and a strict immigration policy. Hell has open borders. Let that sink in.”

    Mac’s Cash Saver also sent this specific ad book to stores in Arkansas and Louisiana, according to Little Rock, Ark., news station KARK.

    “It just doesn’t make any sense,” Tyler Reede, who saw the ad while shopping, told KARK. “Why would they put that on there?”

    Some took to Facebook to express disappointment with the store.

    “Bad move. I hope you go out of business” one person wrote on Mac’s Cash Saver’s post.

    “Check out our weekly ad for great xenophobia!” another added.

    Others had no issue with what the circular said.

    “I didn’t have a problem with it,” Logan Reede told KARK. “If [immigrants] want to come here, they can come here legally.”

    This ad circular went out to four Mac’s Cash Saver stores in Arkansas, as well as others in Louisiana, according to KARK. (Credit: Mac’s Cash Saver via Facebook)
    Some praised Mac’s Fresh Market on its Facebook page for the message. One person wrote “Absolutely agree and support you 100%. How can folks be mad at this? The Bible does say there is a gate and wall. And while my service in the Army for 21 years help protect everyone’s right to freedom of speech it meant “everyone’s!” Great job. Love the message. Spot on!!!”

    “Please stand strong! I’m behind you and feel the same way. Don’t be intimidated by the ones who yell and scream the loudest. Thank you for stating the facts!” another added.

    Jack Digby, who is the manager at a Mac’s Cash Saver store in Camden, Ark., told KARK he’s been taking calls from customers who read about the ad online. He told the outlet the store owner was aiming for a Christian message and didn’t mean to wade into politics.

    “They’re just making a political spin out of it and getting the wrong idea of what it really means,” he said of those put off by the circular. “I am for this company and I am for God. There’s nothing wrong with what that statement says.”

    Mac’s Fresh Market owner Reggy McDaniel told Alexandria, La., news station KALB the message on the circular was about faith.

    “That’s my meaning of the whole thing is are people prepared to go to heaven or are they not,” said McDaniel. “I thought it was a perfect time because everybody is talking about the border, some people want it, some don’t want us to have one. The only thing I was shocked about was that it’s racist. I have never in my life been accused of being a racist, I’m 70 years old — I haven’t evolved into one.”

    McDaniel told KALB that if patrons no longer want to shop at his store, “this is America, they have the privilege of shopping where they want to. All I can do is tell them my case.”

    The company told KARK it stands by its note and has no plans to discontinue putting out ads with messages each week.
    Sad is it not? That so many ignorant Americans are all for the negative effects of just allowing ANYBODY to waltz right on in to our country and bring their diseases and criminal ways.activities with them!
    All that because the ffing worthless traitorous dem party needs those scum for their future votes.
    And be damn the consequences.
    This ad, highlights the reality about walls, houses have walls, forts have walls, suddenly walls are evil according to the ffking dem bastards and their scum allies.
    This store should be praised and admired for standing up for what is right and decent- instead it is being vilifies by the usual pieces of shit suspects and their ignorant ranting allies.
    I am sure our own little peteyboy, is all with and all for those criticizing this grocery store ad..
    Let those condemning walls, knock down their walls (their fences, gates, etc,) to show they are not the mad raving hypocrites we all know the damn vermin are.
    I spit on all of the worthless, hypocritical, lying bastards. --Tyr
    Last edited by Tyr-Ziu Saxnot; 02-11-2019 at 09:13 AM.
    18 U.S. Code § 2381-Treason Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death, or shall be imprisoned not less than five years and fined under this title but not less than $10,000; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States.

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