Not sure who knows and has been following. He's a gay man, and an actor on the hit show "Empire".

He's a SERIOUS Trump hater, and I mean a REAL hater.

He claims a few weeks back that he was attacked while coming home from a Subway getting something to eat. 2 men attacked him and yelled gay stuff at him, put a noose around his neck and whooped his ass. HE WAS ON THE PHONE WITH HIS MANAGER WHEN IT HAPPENED. He claims that they yelled "You're in MAGA country now" as they finished him off.

So he walked back home with the noose still on him, and then called the police.

They found nothing. Nothing on any of the cameras in the Chicago are where he was. Not a single witness. He REFUSES to hand over his phone so they can line things up, and maybe even use the time and other stuff to maybe help. But although they have asked endlessly, he refuses.

Such a high profile crime. All the cameras worked in the area, but nothing. But yet they somehow attacked him - and then did so because it was "MAGA country"?

I'll wait to see if more evidence should come forward. But with all of the aspects and details of the case, they still haven't found out a single thing yet to back up his events of what took place that night.