Do these dolts not realize that this will go to court, just like Trump's declared emergency?

Trump will be able to backup this emergency, the need, his rights and everything together. Of course the law and decisions being most important.

I truly believe that Pelosi and company will go absolutely nowhere with their gun grab try. The 2nd amendment & the facts simply don't side with her.

And the same here. Depends on what he "wants" and likely what they want to get rid of. I don't see the emergency and the laws don't back them up and they don't have the presidency. And even if/when they do, they/he/she, I simply don't see it prevailing. Do they really think they can now try and pass a weekly bill as a result of this and declare anything and everything an emergency?

A good thing Trump has been filling the land and the SC with conservative judges.


Democratic Rep. to introduce resolution to make climate change a national emergency

Oregon Democratic Rep. Earl Blumenauer on Friday announced his intention to introduce a resolution that would make climate change a national emergency.

“If Trump can call a national emergency for a fake crisis at the border, then surely Congress should call a national emergency for a REAL crisis,” he said in a statement.

Blumenauer’s announcement comes after President Donald Trump’s Friday morning Rose Garden press conference during which he stated his intention to declare a national emergency at the border in order to potentially free up more funding for his proposed border wall.

Many, including several GOP lawmakers, have warned that such a declaration could end up hurting conservative causes in the long run. A Democratic president, they argue, could theoretically use such a declaration to further any issue they wished, from climate change to gun control.

The Oregon Democrat called Trump’s decision “profoundly disturbing” in a letter to fellow lawmakers.

“What our country should be doing right now is focusing efforts on addressing a real national emergency and one of the most pressing issues of our time: the climate crisis,” he said.

Blumenauer is one of the House sponsors of the Green New Deal, legislation originally introduced by freshman Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez that would order a massive overhaul of the nation’s agricultural, travel, and economic system in the name of combating climate change.