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    Default British Jihadis !!

    Dominating the British media's news sources over the past several days has been the subject of whether a young girl (one of three who made the journey to Syria from Bethnal Green, London, to join ISIS) should be allowed to return to Britain. She says she wants to, in fact needs to, to provide a decent life for the child she's just given birth to (literally within the past 24 hours ... the father is/was an ISIS terrorist, or an ISIS 'fighter', as the ever-disgusting BBC puts it).

    She's been clear that she does NOT regret joining ISIS .. she even talks callously about seeing severed heads in a basket, saying the sight of that didn't faze her one bit.

    In an interview with Sky News, she claims to have done nothing wrong, and she thinks people in Britain should have sympathy for her.

    ... Well: I regard her as one example of proof that terrorists, and those who commit to ally with them, cannot be regarded as properly human; therefore, deserve no human rights, because to apply them is a travesty, an outright nonsense.

    Our Home Secretary is loathe to let her return to England ... but ... it's beginning to look as though he cannot stop her returning. She holds British nationality, and to deny her the right of a British citizen to return would, it's argued, render her 'stateless' ... seen as illegal.

    Well .... President Trump has a 'take' on cases like hers, and terrorists generally, including those originating from Britain. Which is .....

    British jihadis could be sent to Guantanamo Bay after the UK is being seen to do little to punish them, it has been reported.

    US officials believe the UK is not doing enough to punish people returning from Syria as they are offered rehabilitation programmes, rather than facing legal consequences.

    According to The Times there is a growing opinion the UK is avoiding its responsibility over extremist converts who have joined ISIS.

    Now, the paper has been told the two surviving members of the British terrorist group known as 'The Beatles' because of their English accents, El Shafee ElSheikh and Alexanda Kotey, could be prosecuted in America.

    The Trump administration fears they could end up evading justice and want to send them to Guantanamo where there is room for about 50 jihadis.

    'These guys have American blood on their hands,' a source told The Times.

    US photographer James Foley was executed by the leader of 'The Beatles' Mohammed Emwazi known as Jihadi John.

    Fresh talks over how jihadis who return from Syria are dealt with have begun after the discovery of one of the three schoolgirls from Bethnal Green who fled to Syria in 2015.

    Shamima Begum, now 19, married in Syria after running away from home with friends Amira Abase and Kadiza Sultanta.

    At nine months pregnant she wants to come home and have her third child in Britain, despite showing no remorse for joining ISIS. She left the surrounded village of Baghuz as ISIS fights for its last slither of territory in eastern Syria.

    She said she has 'no regrets' about joining them.

    Security Minister Ben Wallace said the UK would not be rescuing her from the Northern Syrian camp she escaped to.

    He said: 'I'm not putting at risk British people's lives to go and look for terrorists or former terrorists in a failed state.

    'The message this government has given for many years is that actions have consequences.'
    My view: if she, and others like her, end up in Gitmo ... if anything, that's better than they deserve. I'll be happy if Shamima Begum is captured and sent there.

    For President Trump's approach, all I can say, is ....

    Last edited by Drummond; 02-17-2019 at 01:04 PM.
    It's That Bloody Foreigner Again !!!

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