Quote Originally Posted by Noir View Post
What importantance (if any) do we put on the fact that the decision to join ISIS was made when she was fifteen.
In what ways would her treatment be different if she did not leave the country.
To what extent would her being punished result in the punishment of her newborn child.
If she had joined a non-Muslim terrorist group in what way would her punishment be differnt.
Yes. Shamima Begum was fifteen years old when she went to Syria.

Four years later, she still says she doesn't regret the journey. She says she was old enough to make the decision she did.

This terrorist wife (!!) tried to express sorrow that innocent civilians get killed (her effort to try and sell herself to us as a normal, 'caring' girl). She then promptly tripped herself up by trying to paint an equivalence of that with Western military actions that also kill people.

Noir ... wake up to the fact that she still sees things the ISIS way. She wants sympathy (she's said she believes she deserves some !!). But she still holds 'values' in line with ISIS thinking.

She doesn't deserve to return back to the UK. I say, let her rot where she is .. OR .. let's see her sent to somewhere like Gitmo. More ... if she did return (would you want her to, Noir ??), would she pose a permanent threat to our people ? By her own actions, maybe. By her attempts to radicalise others, also maybe.

She's an unrepentant enemy, and traitor to her country. NOTHING argues in favour of her return. At least .. not if justice is to be served.