Quote Originally Posted by darin View Post
But its LOGICAL when looking at life to assume all creation (for lack of a better word) was designed.

Evolution means "Luck, random chance, magically, something becomes something else. A swim bladder becomes a lung"

Design means purpose. No magic.
I guess we have a different definition of the word magic. If you can't detail this creation process or the creator in detail then it's magic. Evolution does include randomness indeed, more like probability. Just like some people have a probability to grow an extra toe. If two people with an extra toe breed then their children have the chance to have an extra toe. Suddenly you have many with an extra toe. You seem to have trouble with the vastness of time when you make big claims like a swim bladder becomes a lung. This is a process that can take millions even billions of years and there is no designed order to it. Again, I admit, I can't properly debate this, a biologist could and you should seek one out. I bet it would be super interesting.