So we have Maduro and Guaido over in Venezuela. The country is crumbling around them. They are laughing inside, knowing that this is what happens when you execute socialism, and this is what our left wants to do.

A lot of rumbling go around about potential US military involvement. Appears a lot of countries are sending aid, but Maduro and company aren't sharing.


As Venezuela Conflict Escalates, Pence Heads to Colombia

Pompeo: 'Tyrant' Maduro's Days in Venezuela 'Are Numbered'

A U.S.-backed drive to deliver foreign aid to Venezuela met strong resistance as troops loyal to President Nicolas Maduro blocked the convoys at the border and fired tear gas on protesters in clashes that left two people dead and some 300 injured.

As night fell Saturday, opposition leader Juan Guaido refrained from asking supporters to continue risking their lives trying to break through the government's barricades at the Colombian and Brazilian borders. Instead, he said he would meet U.S. Vice President Mike Pence on Monday in Bogota at an emergency meeting of mostly conservative Latin American governments to discuss Venezuela's crisis.

But he did make one last appeal to troops to let the aid in and urged the international community to keep "all options open" in the fight to oust Maduro given Saturday's violence.

"How many of you national guardsmen have a sick mother? How many have kids in school without food," he said, standing alongside a warehouse in the Colombian city of Cucuta where 600 tons of mostly U.S.-supplied boxes of food and medicine have been stockpiled. "You don't owe any obedience to a sadist...who celebrates the denial of humanitarian aid the country needs."

On Sunday, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo on Sunday condemned Maduro as “the worst of the worst of a tyrant,” asserting citizens there “have made it clear” the days of his regime “are numbered.”

In remarks on “Fox News Sunday,” Pompeo declared “the Venezuelan people are speaking loud and clearly.”

“Countries all around the world have seen the devastation that has been wrought in Venezuela by this Nicolas Maduro …stopping food, burning trucks with [humanitarian aid] — this is the worst of the worst of a tyrant,” he said. “I think the Venezuelan people are seeing that. We saw yesterday the military begin to see it as well.”

“The American people have been most generous in providing a couple hundred tons of food, medicine, hygiene kits for the people, and then we will continue to put up the global coalition, to put force behind the voice of the Venezuelan people,” he added.

Pressed on whether there will be military force used against Maduro, Pompeo said “every option is on the table. “

“We will do the things that need to be done to make sure that the Venezuelan people's voice, that democracy reigns and is a brighter future for the people of Venezuela,” he said.

On Saturday, Maduro, who considers the aid part of a coup plot and has refused to let it in, struck a defiant tone, breaking diplomatic relations with Colombia, accusing its "fascist" government of serving as a staging ground for a U.S.-led effort to oust him from power and possibly a military invasion.

"My patience has run out," Maduro said, speaking at a rally of red-shirted supporters in Caracas and giving Colombian diplomats 24 hours to leave the country.

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