Fine and dandy to talk retarded BS about the new fad of 56 genders or whatever, but bring up a bible verse? You're outta here! This is called "disciplining via liberalism"

They should ban all this non-stop "kkids making demands" and the also new fad of taking the issues of the day to school with them. School is for school, at least that's how it used to be.


High School Student Suspended for Responding to LGBT Pride Flags with Bible Verses

Last Thursday, a high school girl in Ohio responded to LGBT pride flags by putting up Bible verses. Teachers took the Bible verses down, and the girl received an in-school suspension. That afternoon, her mother posted a video about the event, accusing Lebanon High School of celebrating evil and punishing righteousness.

"Lebanon schools celebrates [sic] evil and punishes righteousness!!" Tina Helsinger posted on Facebook. "Parents - if this was happening to your child - what would you do?"

Her daughter Gabby Helsinger tells her story in the video.

"So on Thursday when I got to school, I see that there were pride flags, posters around my school. And I felt the need to write down some Bible verses so I could put them around my school," she says in the video. "And I wrote them down and I put them around my lockers, the walls."

"I was coming back from lunch ... I see the teachers taking them down, and the next day, I got called to the office and there is a letter that says that I have an ISS, which is an in-school suspension, and the reason why I have it is because 'abuse of others, disrespect, rudeness' because I put Bible verses up 'targeting the GSA organization,'" the girl recalls, referring to the school's Gay-Straight Alliance.

"I did not know what the GSA organization was or meant," Gabby Helsinger insists. "Seeing that there was [sic] people in my school that needed help and they don’t need to be living in the confusion of wondering if they should be gay, bi, lesbian, trans, anything like that, and I know that God is the only way that they can be healed by that, and that’s why I did it. I was not targeting any kind of organization or anything like that."

The high school girl recounts her discussion with the principal. "When I got sent to the office, he was talking to me and he said, 'Why did you put these up here?' And I said, 'Because I wanted to spread the word of God.'"

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