These social media sites are surely liberal ran, no doubt about that. They even admit to it for a large part. They don't want Trump to appear to have positive feedback, or allow it to show just how popular he is. How pathetic. And now that we know they do it, wouldn't surprise me if they ADD to liberal tards.

Then we have the shadowbanning, which some folks said never happened and had various excuses. They admit to a small part, which leads me to believe there is also a much larger part. Don't want bad news getting out about the left - or should I say FACTS. Same on FB - TONS AND TONS of shit is deleted that supports the right or condemns the left.


CONFIRMED: President Trump Unwittingly Busts Twitter in MASSIVE PLOY to Mask His Popularity

Twitter was just caught manipulating President Trump’s analytics.

How does the most popular person in the world get only 11,000 retweets?

How does a person with 59 million followers get only a few thousand likes per post?

Twitter is deceiving the public and masking the president’s popularity.

On Monday Rep. Devin Nunes sued Twitter for $250 million for censoring conservative accounts to influence the 2018 election.

Then on Monday night President Trump tweeted three videos that prove that he is being shadow-banned too.

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Twitter Admits it Shadowbanned an Accurate Tweet About Hillary Clinton Working With Russians

Twitter has confessed that they shadowbanned a factual tweet about Hillary Clinton working with Russians to obtain information about then-candidate Donald Trump.

Sean Davis, co-founder of conservative website The Federalist, had tweeted a screenshot of former FBI attorney Lisa Page’s Congressional testimony in which she discussed an urgency within the FBI to find evidence of someone within the Trump campaign working with the Russians to obtain damaging information about Clinton.

Along with the screenshot, Davis wrote “This particular passage from Lisa Page’s testimony about the FBI’s Trump investigation is interesting, given that we now know for a fact that a foreign national working on behalf of Hillary’s campaign was working with Russians to obtain damaging information about Trump.”

Shortly after the post, Davis tweeted screenshots of his tweet not appearing on feeds for other people — though it remained visible to him. He asked if Twitter was “experimenting with shadow bans by deleting tweets so others can’t see them, but keeping them visible to you while you’re logged in?”

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