Why is it that these democrats suddenly want to toss money at the black population via reparations? Or at least dangling the idea in front of them. If it were important to them, why weren't they doing anything prior to running for election? FOS. Full of shit. Not to mention, there shouldn't be any talk, study or money anyway.


Warren backs congressional plan for reparations study

JACKSON, Miss. (AP) — Democratic presidential candidate Elizabeth Warren on Monday embraced a congressional proposal to study a framework for reparations to African-Americans hurt by the legacy of slavery as the best way to begin a "national, full-blown conversation" on the issue.

Warren first voiced support for reparations last month, becoming one of three 2020 Democratic candidates to do so. But her comments about a study on reparations, made during a CNN town hall broadcast from Mississippi, mark a keener focus from the Massachusetts senator on her preferred route to tackle the thorny question of how best to deal with systemic racial inequality.

The Democratic field's ongoing debate over reparations comes as African-American voters are poised to exert significant influence over the selection of the party's nominee to take on President Donald Trump.

Rest - https://www.yahoo.com/news/warren-ba...-election.html