I'm sorry, still hold the same stance. Chemical made drugs like cocaine, meth, heroin, opiates, fentanyl... No way in hell these drugs should be legalized. This is similar crap to what Ron/Rand Paul or whomever suggested. These drugs lead to death or jail - nowhere else, that's it.


Beto Suggested Legalizing Cocaine To End Mexican Drug Cartel Violence Spilling 'Everyday' Into El Paso

As Democratic candidates argue against President Trump that there is no national emergency due to illegal alien narcotic trafficking and other crimes, it is important to remember that one candidate is all too familiar with the violence caused by Mexican drug cartels. Then known as El Paso city Councilman Robert O'Rourke, the Texas native suggested a decade ago that the United States had to legalize drugs such as cocaine and marijuana in order to stop the killings and brutality plaguing his hometown daily. Today, he still holds this view on drugs but argues that the violence does not exist anywhere at all on the border anymore.

"We feel the violence every day," O'Rourke told CNN on March 20, 2009 . "The cartels control [Juarez], and that spills over onto the U.S. side."

"Decriminalizing drugs would take away a lot of the financial incentive for the cartels to kill. The violence would go down," he argued.

Decriminalization to solve the crime brought in by Mexican cartels was also popular among some Attorney Generals at the time:

via CNN:

The rising violence has prompted people like O'Rourke, and now Arizona Attorney General Terry Goddard, to examine all options.

"We are not winning the battle," Goddard said at a congressional hearing this week in Washington. "Sixty percent of the battle is marijuana."
Rest - https://townhall.com/tipsheet/timoth...lence-n2543392