Quote Originally Posted by jimnyc View Post
Still holding out hope, huh you stupid fuck? You have LITERALLY posted and been wrong about a thousand things here on the board. When will you learn to shut the fuck up?

Or, if so confident - let's BOTH toss $100 into the pot and bet on whether Trump is found to have colluded with Russia? Which WAS the mandate from the beginning. NEITHER Trump nor ANYONE for that fact colluded with Russia on the 2016 election.

So c'mon, you want to run in with insults... WHO do YOU want to hold the money for now? Let's see just how much confidence you REALLY have. I have TONS of it. In fact, I'll toss in $200 right now to your $100. Deal? Want Noir to hold it? Your choice.
I don't know what you are rambling about. This thread advertised that the report was released. IT HAS NOT. The report has been sent to Barr and he has been sitting on it. No one else has read it. Not Jim Jordan that is for sure. That is all I am saying. So get off your own dick.