Quote Originally Posted by STTAB View Post
EVERYONE, most importantly @Jimmy knew who I was the moment I joined. I preferred to just have a new account and was accomodated, and yes I left of my own accord the last time, and I didn't sneak in this time. I contacted Jimmy immediately upon joining to let him know I was back.

That you are stupid is obvious, but how dare you accuse me of having ulterior motives for joining. The fact is Obama could have a lot of bad traits and still not have ordered US forces to attack an ally. And the ultimate fact remains that the US military could not be deceived by anyone to attack a US ally. That's now how it works at all.
Well good for you, I did not bring up Jimmy in this little exercise of your leaping to attack and also insult me on my opinion of the piece of shit obama, you brought Jimmy's name up.. I did not question his decision at all in any way or form.
But I did note to him my prediction that you were here to eventually attack me ! So just how stupid am I- if and when you have now done exactly that(and with no provocation on my part), as I predicted that you would do, predicted many weeks ago.
I do not care that he you allowed you back under a new name but when an asshole like you attacks me I do care--so do try to leave Jimmy out of this..
I have a damn good idea of who you are and know we had our differences before when you were here using a different name.
I am getting very used to asshats like you coming back under other names to try to attack me.
So cut the damn playing innocent act. You arent fooling anybody unless they have the damn IQ of a ffing moron!
Got anything more to say, take it to the cage--you know where it is and do please try not to bore me too much with your bullshit playing innocent crap..
While you defeated your own defending obama as he would never do anything illegal by calling him a - corrupt , lying, racist President,
then in completely illogical lunacy declare how he wouldnt do anything illegal--I guess forgetting Benghazi, Bergdahl, IRS targeting conservatives scandal, etc, etc.. Hell Jimy has a thread on it even ...
Damn , you are just too easy..
Next time do try to at least make some kind of sense before you make a damn blithering fool of yourself..
You are not speaking to a child.. -Tyr