Quote Originally Posted by Gunny View Post
Nobody wants to deal with the truth. Even most on the right prefer to ignore it. Islam has only been stopped since its inception by force. When we beat their asses and kept them contained in their little sandbox is the only time they weren't a threat. Until someone let them out again. This time around they're having their way with the pussies that run the Western World.

I don't know what's worse anymore ... Radical Islam or Democrats. They DO resemble each other greatly.
Here is the correct way and the only way to stop the damn vermin..
You kill them before they kill you and enslave your people..
You are correct, dems and muslims are both snakes that seek to bite unsuspecting victims, and both are cowardly vermin too.
Charles Martel, a Christian, decimated their army, and they ran away like the cowardly ffing dogs they were and always will be .--Tyr

Battle of Tours
At the Battle of Tours near Poitiers, France, Frankish leader Charles Martel, a Christian, defeats a large army of Spanish Moors, halting the Muslim advance into Western Europe. Abd-ar-Rahman, the Muslim governor of Cordoba, was killed in the fighting, and the Moors retreated from Gaul, never to return in such force.

Charles was the illegitimate son of Pepin, the powerful mayor of the palace of Austrasia and effective ruler of the Frankish kingdom. After Pepin died in 714 (with no surviving legitimate sons), Charles beat out Pepin’s three grandsons in a power struggle and became mayor of the Franks. He expanded the Frankish territory under his control and in 732 repulsed an onslaught by the Muslims.

Victory at Tours ensured the ruling dynasty of Martel’s family, the Carolingians. His son Pepin became the first Carolingian king of the Franks, and his grandson Charlemagne carved out a vast empire that stretched across Europe.

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Battle of Tours

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Access Date
April 5, 2019

A&E Television Networks

Last Updated
August 21, 2018

Original Published Date
July 21, 2010