Quote Originally Posted by Drummond View Post
Just repeating an untruth, STTAB, doesn't mean it eventually becomes true.

Yes. You claimed that the term 'virtually eliminated' was the one that had been used, and you denied that it had been simply the word 'eliminated'. I've already shown you that you're wrong, and cited two examples of the claim that 'eliminated', not 'virtually eliminated', WAS what had been claimed.

How many times do I need to post the illustrations of this being true, before you take notice of them ? Or are the two I've already provided not enough to convince you ? How many would be, before you concede the point ?

Evidently, debating with you IS a waste of time, if you're going to disregard any evidence I present to you that you're in error.

This misrepresents what I've said. I don't 'simply' reject the notion of mandating them, but give a reason for it. Please, now, note: I reject the notion of mandating their application, not on the basis you're citing, but on the basis I actually HAVE stipulated ... namely, political opportunism, and the setting of precedents that can make it socially impossible to resist future such diktats.

If you're going to just ignore the argument I offer, then substitute it with your own version, then clearly, I'm wasting my time here.

My advice: just admit you're wrong and be done with it. If you have to resort to sheer misrepresentation to try and make your case stick, you waste my time, and that of everybody else's here.

I'm not arguing further.
I ignore your examples, because you are wrong. Those people are not claiming that individual cases of measles have been eliminated int he US, they are saying Measles OUTBREAKS have been eliminated in the US, and that is 100% true, or well it was until recently because of the drop in vaccination levels coupled with the increase in illegal immigration bringing more diseases into the country, and a couple other factors.

See universal mandated vaccines were never meant to eliminate individual cases of Measles, they were meant to prevent OUTBREAKS of measles, and they are 100% effective at that when 90% of a population is vaccinated.