In the name of allowing 57 genders and demands of everything and anyone or anything being accepted. Everything anymore must be accepted, and sometimes celebrated, and folks are chastised if they speak out in anyway against.

And in the past few years we have seen increase in demand to accept the bony thin anorexic sickly type & the morbidly obese type.

And to those who would support this, again, would you also support if next year they place a literally anorexic woman on the cover?


From Burkini to Obesity: Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Features Morbidly Obese Bikini Model

Sports Illustrated Swimsuit featured a morbidly obese bikini model this week as part of their new push for ‘diversity.’

Hunter McGrady, the young woman featured in Sports Illustrated SI 2019 is no doubt very pretty, however, she is morbidly obese.

“For too long we have heard talk that we need of diversity in media, but what exactly does that look like. The concept of diversity encompasses acceptance and respect. It means understanding that each individual is unique, and not only recognizing our individual differences, but accepting them wholeheartedly.” Hunter said in a SI column when asked what her thoughts on diversity are. “Differences of race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, socio-economic status, age, physical abilities, religious beliefs, political beliefs or other ideologies need to be fully embraced as the very fabric that make up our modern understanding of the world today.”

Morbid obesity is one of the leading preventable causes of cancer and should never be celebrated –it is not ‘diverse,’ it is very unhealthy.

People who are morbidly obese, which is defined as being 100 pounds over his/her ideal weight, increase their chances of getting many different types of cancers.

Super morbidly obese women are 7 times more likely to develop endometrial cancer (cancer of the lining of the uterus) than normal weight women.

Obesity is not something that should be promoted or celebrated.

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