It's not like he didn't create a part of this animal either...

BUT, he is the president, like it nor not. And the news, well, they are the news agencies.

The media have tried to control the narrative for a long long time now. They can simply 'alter' the news to their liking and then report it as such. It used to be almost all news, with a pundit on each station or similar. Now they spend 5 minutes on the news, and cover only what they choose - and the rest is just agenda driven BS.

And yep, BOTH sides do it. Problem is, one side has almost all the TV media. That's why I don't mind Trump making corrections, even if he is an ass about it. And I get a ton, if not most of my news from online and a combination of tons and tons of sources. If, like the old days, and you would just choose a station to watch the 5 'o clock news or the 11 'o clock news, well...


Trump campaign says the media is its 'biggest obstacle' in 2020

President Donald Trump’s campaign is taking stock of his opponents in the 2020 presidential election, but it’s not the Democrats they are worried about.

Instead, senior campaign communications officials say the media is the “biggest obstacle” to the president’s reelection.

During a Daily Caller visit to the official campaign headquarters in Northern Virginia, the officials spoke of their reelection strategy, the messaging on Democratic candidates, and their relative optimism about Trump’s chances in 2020. The Daily Caller wasn’t the first media outlet to take a tour of the HQ — a peek at the organization’s guest book revealed that the campaign had already met with The Hill, NPR, and Fox News, among others.

Despite the communication team’s obvious attempts to establish good working relationships with media outlets, the officials described hostile behavior from some reporters that they believe will hinder their efforts. Tim Murtaugh, the Trump Campaign’s director of communications, Erin Perrine, the deputy communications director, and Kayleigh McEnany, the national press secretary, all said they routinely feel frustrated when dealing with the media.

“People always ask, ‘what’s your biggest challenge, what’s your biggest obstacle?’” Murtaugh said. “And Kayleigh always says, ‘the media.’ The media is our biggest challenge.”

“It is very frustrating,” he said, referring to at least one outlet as outright “adversarial.”

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