Democrats Aren’t Letting The Lack Of A Reason Stop Them From Pushing Impeachment

President Donald Trump must be guilty of something, the Democrats insist. After all, he tweets mean things and refuses to let White House staffers testify about their private interactions with him. Why else would someone do that? Besides, he’s a Republican, and in the liberal world, that is grounds enough to impeach. The only thing missing from the Democrats' push to undo the will of the people is any evidence or legal reason to do so, but they aren’t going to let that stop them.

Liberals know Donald Trump is corrupt, they just can’t prove it. That inability to prove it is not getting in the way of the march to impeach the 45th president of the United States, as the chorus of voices calling for the start of impeachment proceedings continues to grow.

Media Democrats are bedside themselves, upset at Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s hesitance to go all in on removing the president. Congressional Democrats have introduced impeachment resolutions and launched investigations in search of crimes in the hope of finding something, anything, to justify what they’re setting up. It’s the antithesis of what the justice system in this country is supposed to be.

But this is the justice system Democrats want, at least for everyone they don’t like. Brett Kavanaugh was guilty of something before he was even accused. When Christine Blasey Ford came forward with insane, unverified, unprovable “allegations” of sexual assault, that was enough for Democrats to turn into Torquemada. If they’d had the power, they would have executed him on the spot.

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