So Nikoh ran way last night. We got her back within 15 minutes but the damage was done.

Now typing this with just my right hand has a cast from my wrist beyond my elbow.

I ran across the street after her as i was afraid of losing her. Across the street is a grassy field part of the apartment complex that starts there. When you get to the other side you go down a small embankment about 10-12 feet or so. And it had rained, so my ass went out from under me. By instinct I caught mt fall with left hand/wrist/arm... it felt like it snapped in half, and I also had my head hit and bounce pretty hard off the ground. Not a pretty sight to see a 50yr old chasing his dog and falling squarely on his ass. The pain was beyond incredible and still is.

I think I may have had a concussion as i later got a terrible headache and threw up. And my arm still hurt worse. So off to urgent care a bit ago as the pain became too unbearable. 4 xrays later and apparently 2 small fractures. This seems and feels like a real cast but the doc said to immediately see the orthopedic doctor elsewhere for full real cast. And he gave me nothing for the pain but i also chickened out in asking, didn't want to come off as drug seeker. and now i suffer.

He gave me copies of the xrays, the temp cast/splint to holdover and out the door. Wife is at work and i cant drive with one arm. place was about 2 minutes from home but took me like 10 driving with one arm and was feeling a bit unsafe. now how the hell i get relief? how do i shower? couldnt sleep from pain.

i hate me right now, what a dumbass i am!