Is how they describe themselves.

And apparently the Jewish woman represents "zionism".

The marshal is what they refer to as a butch or bull dyke. And being she is the enforcer here I go with the latter. Anyway, this is the lbgtq groups, and the tolerance they demand. Video of the confrontation is at the link.


Watch Anti-Semitic ‘Dyke Marshal” Prevent Pro-Israel Lesbians from Participating in DC Dyke March with Jewish Star on Flag

Sorry, Jewish girls. You’re not welcome here.

A group of pro-Israel Jewish lesbians were blocked from marching in the Washington DC Dyke March on June 7th.

They were told in order to march they would have to “remove the star.”

‘Dyke Marshal’: “In order for pride flags not to be about Israel, all you have to do is remove the (Jewish) Star.”

The ‘Dyke Marshals’ were separating good Jews from bad Jews.

The American left is more open with their anti-Semitism every day.