They defend one another! Pinterest just outright bans almost most things they can find Trump related. Twitter already does a massive amount of censoring of folks on the right (I know, surprised the liberals aren't screaming about what nazi's they are). And now, post negatively about one on the other, and it apparently may get you banned - if you're on the right anyway.

At least everyone is aware of the biases and spread the word, and these folks have mostly admitted their BS. Only a matter of time before alternatives roll around. I only use them sparingly. Well, most I don't even use.


Fascist Twitter Locks Out Project Veritas After O’Keefe Exposes Pinterest’s Censorship of Pro-Life Sites

Fascist Twitter temporarily suspended Project Veritas after James O’Keefe exposed Pinterest’s anti-Christian, anti-conservative bias.

Project Veritas interviewed a tech insider who blew the whistle on how Pinterest listed top pro-life sites as “porn” and censored Bible verses.

The insider, who wished to remain anonymous, described in detail how Pinterest blocks Christian terms and Bible verses by not allowing the terms to trend, blocking them from notifications and the auto-complete feature.

Pinterest also blacklisted pro-life group by classifying them as “porn” which ultimately blocked their URL from being pinned.

Ben Shapiro was labeled a white supremacist and his commentary was also censored in “zero tolerance moment.”

The Fascists at Twitter didn’t like their Fascist friends over at Pinterest being exposed by O’Keefe so they temporarily suspended Project Veritas’ account.

O’KEEFE: Breaking News: Twitter has decided that investigative journalism is in violation of their terms of service – @Project_Veritas has been temporarily suspended from posting for tweeting internal communications from @Pinterest which show them calling @benshapiro a “white supremacist”

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