Quote Originally Posted by Gunny View Post
Where does this come from? Honest question. I have never done any such thing to anyone, and don't recall any such incident. I hate rats and I hate loose lips more than "hating" you was ever even a blip on the radar.

As far as the topic goes (I think we've done this one before), I have to just take it case by case. If it's actually hurting/scamming/otherwise enriching the person, then yeah, I have a problem with it.

I kinda have a problem with some of the exposeRS as well. That's what you have to do with your life? Troll frauds and expose them on the internet? I think that says quite a lot.

And I'm sorry, but the clown asses that get on with 13 Nam medals, 5 MOHs, An Army shirt with Marine chevrons on it and obviously is a total dumbass that can't even pass the test, been in every war since WWI ... I'm What can I say? Stupid people make me feel good