Quote Originally Posted by jimnyc View Post
She was in the boat when it happened? Oh no, poor girly!

But she is a damn great dog, and great with her senses and keeping the bears away! Psycho's make for the best pets and protection! All my dogs have been a little nuts, thanks to me, I think.

But she quickly taught Nikoh how to fight, and did a great job in just one night!! And somehow, she passed off the ability for the dog to beat the crap out of the big bad water stream!!

How's Rick? He back up in Barrow now with Jim?

No doubt the girls my killer. A sweet fluffy I will scare the crap out of water, bears, small furry cute things killer. And actually Frost taught everyone the joy of chasing water. OH my I thought she was going to give herself heart failure or drowned the first time she met a sprinkler.

I am taking my vacation days in Barrow with Rick and Jim!! When they come back I am going to be swamped with work so I figured I would hang with them on my days off.
Rick is doing much better also his last test came back with an increase of 45% heart function compared to the 25% of last time!!!