It seems to me that it's very, very, difficult to compare measles and ebola objectively ... UNLESS ... you use what may be an inappropriate context of African localities and communities to try to.

Measles reached the West long ago. Ebola has not. As statistics I posted elsewhere (& exhaustively) showed, there's just no comparison, when you talk about measles, to be made between mortality rates in the West compared to places like Africa.

Is ebola more deadly than measles ? Is it the other way around ? Are they roughly equally deadly ? I say that the observable samples of infection of both are too limited (- yet -) to know for sure. All I do know is that I still stifle the urge to laugh when people recoil in morbid fear of measles !

I'll give you this much. From the mere presumption that ebola truly IS deadly, even to Western societies, then OK, it makes sense to mass-immunise; that is, IF current vaccines are good enough to be considered reliable. I fear ebola in a way I could never fear measles (!!), truth be told ... countering ebola is a far newer science.

And I agree with the approach of doing all it takes to secure your borders. That makes absolute sense -- do whatever it takes. Which presumably would rule out my revisiting the US myself, as I've never been immunised against anything (... but I remain 'bafflingly' healthy, & always have done !!). If Americans feel they need to be protected against people like me ... I fully understand.

I just know that deaths from measles where the person ill with it has no underlying health issues, and a good immune system, are EXTREMELY rare, with the chance of death being literally many hundreds of thousands to one against !! Is that true also for ebola ?

I don't know.

And, I submit ... we cannot know. THAT is the POINT.