Quote Originally Posted by Kathianne View Post
I'm for men acting like men, not acting like hormone raging adolescents and most are like the former. No one thinks that breaking into fights or getting in people's faces for the slightest perceived disrespect is ok. I've never been attracted to the type of man that tells me what I should like or what I should do. (Yeah, I know. I. hide. that. well.)

However, there are many things that make men and women different, I enjoy those differences. At 5'1" many things are out of my reach. LOL! With few exceptions, even 'short' men are 5'5" and that helps! Upper body strength is something most women lack compared to most men. Surprising how often that difference comes into play during times of danger. Think of major flooding and the men that are able to carry women and children and exhausted men through raging waters. Those that are able to pull someone into a boat or even push them into a boat when they, themselves are in the water. Yes, women would do so too, if they are able. Most are not.

What pisses me off about the whole 'toxic masculinity' or 'getting in touch with the feminine side' is that it's telling men, even more importantly boys, that they are naturally bad. They are not. Yes, we've left the hunting and gathering stage, most of the time; yet, it is wrong to tell men or boys to 'sit still' like women/girls, every bit as much as it has been wrong to tell women that they are anti-feminist if they choose to stay home or care more for their family than career.

Some examples of why 'masculinity' is not something to denigrate:





Just from the last couple of weeks.
My wife and I met because I stepped in when her at the time boyfriend was beating on her in public. If I hadn't been "masculine" well A) who knows what that guy would have done to her and B) I wouldn't have met the most perfect woman in existence