There is a long list of groups branded as domestic terrorists. It's not like it would be setting a precedent.

Watch any of these characters before? Watch any videos from Portland this weekend? They're animals at minimum. And they know exactly what they're doing. The other Patriot group shows up with signs and American flags - Antifa shows up in helmets and masks all carrying various weapons.


CNN Found It Controversial that Trump Wants to Brand Antifa as Terrorists

With Antifa still assaulting and harassing peaceful “right-wing” marchers, police, and journalists in the streets of Portland, Oregon on Saturday, CNN Newsroom host Ana Cabrera and the network found it controversial that President Trump would want to accurately brand the extreme far-left group as the domestic terrorists that they were. She would tee up New Mexico Congresswoman Debra Haaland to defend the group as “peaceful protesters”.

Towards the end of Cabrera’s interview with Haaland, the CNN host wanted to get the Congresswoman’s take on tweet the President post earlier that day, stating: “Major consideration is being given to naming Antifa an ‘organization of terror.’ Portland is being watched very closely. Hopefully, the mayor will be able to properly do his job.”

Cabrera told Haaland that the tweet was “regarding what’s happening in Portland” and suggested, without detailing the specific group, that “white supremacists, some of these groups that they are the very least, you know, far-right extremists clashing with other groups including Antifa, which is, you know, seen as a far-left organization.”

Simply calling Antifa a “far-left organization”, really? This was the same group that hatched a failed plot to firebomb an Immigration and Customs Enforcement detention Center last month.

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ABC, NBC Provide Cover for Antifa TERRORISM, Claim They’re ‘Counter-Protesters’

The domestic terrorist organization known as Antifa carried out attacks at a “right-wing” rally in Portland, Oregon on Saturday by targeting peaceful rally goers, police, and members of the press. As the liberal media have done in the past, ABC’s Good Morning America and NBC’s Sunday Today, carried water for the extreme left-wing terrorists by downplaying their actions and by suggesting they’re simply “counter-protesters”.

ABC’s coverage was absolutely abysmal. With an on-screen headline that suggested the “right-wing” was responsible for the violence, GMA co-anchor Dan Harris offered up just a news brief that lasted just 22 seconds:

DAN HARRIS: Meanwhile, violent street confrontations in Portland, Oregon, 13 people arrested, six injured, when more than 1,000 right-wing demonstrators and counter-protesters descended upon the downtown area. Police say that they were pelted with water bottles while making an arrest there. Officers also confiscated a number of weapons, including knives, shields, and stun guns.
Throwing water bottles was arguably among the least of Antifa’s tactics. According to footage of their attacks, Antifa assaulted a bus filled with the “right-wing” marchers (as they were trying to leave the even) and tried to beam people in the head with a hammer.

They were also targeting reporters and threatening their wellbeing, as they did with Washington Examiner reporter Julio Rosas. The terrorists also beat one middle-aged man unconscious and, as Quillette reporter Andy Ngo reported, there were no police in sight.

Despite the fact that Portland police left many of the “right-wing” folks high and dry to the terrorism of Antifa, NBC Sunday Today host Willier Geist began the segment by noting that “the mayor of Portland Oregon is praising his police force”.

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