I'm really just curious in this answer and how everyone feels, considering what we have heard from the transgender community, but even so from the lefties that support them. And yeah, assuming you haven't a clue as to the real gender, which is male or female.

I mean, is it even ok to fight a transgender man? You know, former woman - now man. They get angry if you so much as use the wrong pronoun. They and others demand they be treated as their chosen gender, no excuses.

Ok, so a loudmouth gets out of hand, and they are like everyone else in that department, and maybe even a little more emotional at times. I don't give a flying rats butt your thoughts on assault. But if this man pushes another man verbally, and pushes far enough, a fight is sometimes inevitable. And is the real man supposed to then lighten up because the other is a transgender? a true woman underneath? And what if this man has converted far enough to where the other man couldn't even tell. So should any ass kicking be any different?

They will instantly become a woman again. Ready to see through assault charges and maybe hate charges too. The cries of discrimination and all kinds of phobias would make it bigger than the OJ Simpson case. The liberal media would cover it like it was Trump. The liberal supporters will create an evening of crying and screaming into the skies.

Not condoning fighting or especially attacking someone. But shit happens, people drink & words are always said - and transgender aren't immune from that. But would they get a pass if they get mouthy or flippant or disrespectful?