Quote Originally Posted by hjmick View Post
You do realize that she is only taking the license to kill designation 7, the double "o" is the "license," not the character's name or some derivative thereof like Jane Bond, right?

It seems they have decided to retire the James Bond character. Ian Fleming and Alfred R. Broccoli could possibly be rolling over in their graves, but the movie franchise has been losing audience for a couple of decades now... I guess the studio figured they should try something to bring in a younger audience before killing the franchise altogether?

At least the movie will have the Bond character in it, maybe for the last time...

On the plus side, guess what? You don't have to go see it!
They should of tried something better...If they want different ..Go with a "young James bond"....How he became to be...(Early days)....Natural born killer...and How he became James Bond...Now that is different...and not some Liberal ..social charity garbage. (IMO)