The people might think it's great that we let the Kurds get slaughtered because Turkey threatened to go in on their own, but the House vote was overwhelming in disagreement.
'The Kurds are being slaughtered': House votes to condemn President Trump’s troop pullout from Syria
Christal Hayes and Ledyard King, USA TODAYPublished 10:18 a.m. ET Oct. 16, 2019 | Updated 3:41 p.m. ET Oct. 16, 2019

WASHINGTON – The House Wednesday overwhelmingly backed aresolution condemning President Donald Trump's decision to withdraw U.S. troops from Syria, a rare bipartisan rebuke at a time when the president is trying to shore up GOP support to stave off impeachment.

Shortly after the vote, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi tweeted that the White House cancelled a Thursday briefing for lawmakers on Syria, "denying the Congress its right to be informed as it makes decisions about our national security."

Trump's decision to remove the troops near the Turkish border has allowed Turkey to lodge an attack on U.S. Kurdish allies who helped in the fight against the Islamic State terrorist group, also known as ISIS.

The House vote was 354-60 with every Democrat and more than two-thirds of the Republicans supporting the measure.

Texas Rep. Michael McCaul, the top Republican on the House Foreign Affairs Committee and a co-sponsor of the resolution, said the pullout has stained America's reputation as a dependable partner.
