Quote Originally Posted by jimnyc View Post
Are the rules preventing folks from posting? Are the rules preventing anyone other than conservatives from posting here? Have any folks that left done so other than on their own accord? So you believe us few demented conservatives are so good or so mean that we scare away the leftists who solely want to have good conversation, like yourself?

Folks retain themselves, that's a fact. And if someone prefers to bail the place instead of ignoring someone, so be it, that's their choice and right. But no on is forcing anyone to stay or leave.

And for the one person that I KNOW that never posts anything more than a sentence or 2, and pretty much ONLY tries to be negative and insult others opinions - you're about the last person that should speak up. Myself, I admit faults and I admit when wrong. You should learn from it. Not everyone is perfect, but many of us TRY and we DO participate and discuss things at length. Many of us also discuss many friendly things down below. Usually the same type of folks are also mysteriously missing from the friendly stuff, as they have no desire. But for YOU to try and lay blame at the feet of others, while some are admitting fault, and YOU somehow toss fire on it and act innocent...

well that's just laughable Pete. I DO like you and I DO try and nudge you towards writing more and expressing yourself, but apparently all you have left is judgmental one liners, and unable to participate. And then some would wonder why after thousands of one liner insults, and then degrading the board as a whole all the time - folks will still wonder why some on occasion give you some shit in return.

If this all makes you special somehow, and myself a demented conservative, so be it. I thought folks could more think for themselves, more control themselves, easily work with vB software and adjust things to their liking accordingly. But us small few of demented folks apparently are too much for the masses that think differently, and I use my magical Nazi powers to ban anyone that can handle themselves in a discussion.

If you don't mind, I think I'll continue being the same person I am. Not perfect by any stretch, that's for damn sure! But I still plan on trying harder - and I do plan on trying much harder in avoiding fights and personal stuff. This isn't personal - I TRULY wanted you to ignore other shit and take the prompts and try to discuss things. But you have your preferences as well, just like others I suppose.

Just to be clear, when earlier I was talking about some people being intolerant. I wasn't talking about you OR the way this board is moderated. I don't think either are a problem. I meant there has always been a "mean girls" group on this board that chased off and harrassed people with opposing views, but they have largely fallen silent along with everyone else in the last few months.

As I told you before, maybe it's me. This board is FAR less active than it was when I first returned. I would hate to think that I had anything to do with killing a message board that people enjoyed posting on. My reputation for being an asshole aside, I would gladly leave this board to save it for you and others here whom I respect if that is the issue.