So first I posted about their "urine problem" last week. And now it's not #1 but onto #2.

Pelosi's district is so successful!! And also so disgusting!! Why in the world would anyone want to live anywhere even remotely close to a place that allows for public urination and has a massive poop problem? That's just outright disgusting and I wouldn't want to live in the same county, let alone near any of these roads. Yek.

Instead of just letting the homeless use the streets as a toilet, why not set up some luxury outside porta pottie toilets and have them non-stop serviced so that they don't turn into those nasty boxes that folks would prefer to go next to than step inside! Oh, that would cost money?


San Francisco’s Poop Problem: 25,000 Reported Cases Of ‘Human Or Animal Waste’ In 10 Months, Data Show

The City of San Francisco’s Department of Public Works responded to tens of thousands of “human or animal waste” reports in the first 10 months of 2019, according to the city data.

The department responded to 25,084 such cases from January through October of this year, according to the city’s 311 data portal.

The city is averaging more than 80 waste cases reported to the department every day in 2019 and is on pace to surpass last year’s number of excrement reports, the publicly available records show.

The department had more than 23,300 cases through the first 10 months of last year, which had already seen a sharp increase from 2017. The city government launched a $750,000 “poop patrol” in September 2018 to combat the problem, though that hasn’t stopped this year’s numbers from topping last year’s.

The city’s incoming district attorney, Chesa Boudin, pledged not to prosecute quality-of-life crimes including public urination.

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