My ass. People are ALWAYS looking for someone to blame for everything anymore. It's sickening.

Perhaps in cases like this people just don't like the idea? This movie has already been overdone IMO. And even the last one sucked. People, at least movie freaks like myself, aren't always fond of the original stories being altered too much or the characters changing too much.

Movie goers LOVE women actors, whether leads in a film or just in a film. Some of my favorite films ever have women leads in them. And not once has "sexism" or the thought of whether it was a man or woman starring, ever entered my head.

Anyone watch or know of the original movie Ocean's Eleven? It was a 2001 flick and was awesome! While Clooney and Brad Pitt and Damon lead the way - Julia Roberts was fantastic. Then they did Ocean's 12 in 2004. Same cast, and add in a few like Catherine Zeta-Jones.

THEN you had Ocean's Thirteen just 3 more years later in 2007. Again, same cast, and more extras in this one.

And then they waited another 11 years before another one, and this one was Ocean's Eight. AND they completely changed the cast. This one was lead by Sandra Bullock, also Cate Blanchett, Anne Hathaway & a some other extras of known names. AND it was an ALL FEMALE main crew this time, instead of an all male crew as in the first 3.

Now, at first, my first thought is that I was psyched to see it when it came out. Then the names were decent, but where's Julia Roberts? And the original cast isn't even in there at all as extras even? And instead of the Casino stuff and extremely complex robberies that made the movie so cool - was moved to...... New York and the Met Gala? And Sandra Bullock is supposed to be like Danny Ocean's long lost sister or some crap. It's a crappy story line and they tossed all original characters, moved across country and did everything entirely different. I didn't like it myself, and certainly not because of sexism, just not what I wanted or expected I guess. Still got pretty good ratings though, and not bad in the box office.


Big Fat Liar Elizabeth Banks Blames Sexism for ‘Charlie’s Angels’ Flop

Prior to Charlie’s Angels (2019) fiery death at the box office, writer-director-star Elizabeth Banks had already formulated sexism as an excuse for her coming flop. Per IndieWire:

Prior to the movie’s disastrous opening weekend, Banks gave an interview to the Herald Sun that is now proving to be somewhat controversial. The filmmaker, who also wrote and produced “Charlie’s Angels” and stars in the movie as Bosley, called out a potential box office bomb as being sexist. “Look, people have to buy tickets to this movie, too. This movie has to make money,” she said. “If this movie doesn’t make money it reinforces a stereotype in Hollywood that men don’t go see women do action movies.”
To explain away the box office success of Wonder Woman and Captain Marvel, two female-led smashes, Banks added, “They’ll [meaning: evil men] go and see a comic book movie with Wonder Woman and Captain Marvel because that’s a male genre.”

“So even though those are movies about women, they put them in the context of feeding the larger comic book world, so it’s all about, yes, you’re watching a Wonder Woman movie but we’re setting up three other characters or we’re setting up ‘Justice League,’” she added.

Banks’s comments are not only a pathetic act of pre-emptive crybabying, they are a bald-faced lie.

First off, Charlie’s Angels (2019) is not just a flop. That $8 million opening weekend is a catastrophe a humiliation, and hopefully a wake-up call that no one — man, woman, young, old — is interested in these obnoxious, joyless, sexless, woketard movies.

Already five major franchises — five — have been killed at the box office after being rebooted to exclude and demean men.

How many more before this slaughter of golden geese comes to an end?